Improve process injection feature of Drakvuf
This article is part of my final evaluation for the Google Summer of Code 2018 during which I contributed to one of The Honeynet Project tool : Drakvuf. Links to my work:
The tool
Drakvuf is a virtualization-based malware analysis tool that leverages Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI). VMI is a technique to monitor the state of a virtual machine. It can be used from the hypervisor side to monitor what’s going on inside of a VM or to alter its state. To learn more about VMI:
Project goal
Current code injection mechanisms
Drakvuf allows to inject a binary directly into a running virtual machine. The
current implementation uses either CreateProcessA()
or ShellExecuteA()
the Windows API, which implies to have the program we want to execute into the
guest’s filesystem. It can further lead a malware to detect the presence of
Drakvuf if we use known analysis tools. Here you can see what the code flow of
an injection looks like:
The new one and its benefits
To solve this issue we can use a more advanced technique to inject our binary. Among all the possibilities, the Process Doppelgänging technique seems the most suitable. It allows to inject the binary directly into the memory, without modification on the filesystem, by using NTFS transaction.
What’s an NTFS transaction?
NTFS Transaction (TxF) allows to consider multiple operations as a unit. This way, either all of the operations failed or succeed. If something gone wrong between the start and the end, the entire set of operations is rollbacked and the system is left as it was previously. If everything is fine, then we can commit and the system finally see the changes.
This give us the opportunity to write a file without the system noticing it. Process doppelganging take advantage of that to create a new section for our payload in the context of a clean process. At the end, we get our program running into the guest without leaving footprints. The aim of this project is to implement all the required components into the current injector library so that we can use Drakvuf to do this type of injection.
For more details:
The project
Choosen approach
In order to implement this new injection technique, we need to hijhack the
execution flow of the target process to call multiple Windows API functions.
Before redirecting the process to the desired function we need to setup the
stack accordingly. At the beginning of the project there was multiple functions
to set the stack depending on the one to be called, so the first step was to
refactorize this code to have one universal function to simplify the process of
adding the support of a new Windows API function call. Process doppelganging
needs a lot of function calls, it is not as straigthforward as simply calling
. So instead of implementing every step independently from
within the injector code I choose the approach of crafting a shellcode that will
do just that. It will be generated by a C program (on a Windows system), which
make it easier for testing/debugging and making improvements than from the hypervisor.
Code related to this subsection
Execution of a shellcode
The logic behind executing a shellcode is pretty simple:
- allocating memory : hijacking the process with
- writing shellcode into it
- hijacking the process with this address
There is one thing to not though: we can’t write into the guest’s memory from
the hypervisor, which VMI normally allows, directly after allocation. Here is
the why from MSDN on VirtualAlloc()
Actual physical pages are not allocated unless/until the virtual addresses are actually accessed. […] Reserves a range of the process’s virtual address space without allocating any actual physical storage in memory or in the paging file on disk.
What we can do is adding a call to memset()
. It will force Windows to allocate
physical pages and then we will be able to leverage VMI to write our shellcode
and every thing else we need.
Code related to this subsection
Shellcode generation
When we have a program capable of executing a doppelganging injection, there is a few steps to be taken care of in order to generate a PIC (Posisition Independent Code) shellcode, which is mandatory since we are going to launch it directly from memory, without triggering the PE loader mechanisms that a normal binary would.
Everything is very well explained here:
In a nustshell, here are the requirements:
- library function addresses must be retrieved manually, using the address of
as the starting point, which you can get thanks to the PEB; - strings must be in the .text section, therefore not dynamically allocated with
or alike; - disable Visual Studio optimizations and stack cookie protection;
After that we can write the binary data present in memory at the address of our specifically crafted function that contains all the program logic to a file and have it ready to be executed.
Patching the shellcode with user inputs
We are not done yet. We want to give the user the possibility to pass data as parameters to specify which guest binary will be used as a cover for the NTFS transaction. To do that I instantiate an array of ‘0’ (in the shellcode source code) and recorded the offset at which the corresponding assembler instructions lies in the binary code, so that I can replace the ‘0’ by the path provided by the user. The end goal of the shellcode is to launch a binary present only in memory, so the shellcode needs to be patch to contains this address too. Note that this address has to be written in little-endian (the less significant byte first).
Kernel debugging to bypass a function call
Since a recent Windows update (version 1803) a new difficulty
arisen : the final step of the shellcode, a call to NtCreateThreadEx()
, didn’t
work anymore and returned ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. I had to debug the Windows kernel
to find out why. I knew what return code I was looking for and after some step
over / step into, I came with the following tree call:
NtCreateThreadEx() -> PspCreateThread() -> PspInsertThread() -> PspCallProcessNotifyRoutines()
Its the last one that bothers us. If we look closer at what it does, we can observe that at some point it iterates over an array to perform some checks, one of which triggers the termination of the almost created process.
When you run an executable, most Antiviruses will catch the operation by a kernel callback (nt!PspCallProcessNotifyRoutines and nt!PsCallImageNotifyRoutines) and then scan the file, most commonly by requesting its user-mode agent using to do so, using ioctls/fastio/sharedmem/APC/etc.
Since I’ve done my test with mimikatz as a payload it make sense. We can bypass this check though by not calling this function at all. Drakvuf uses a rekall profile to get information about the VM kernel. We can use this profile to get the relative virtual address (RVA) of that function and place a breakpoint on it.
When a program call a function, the address of the next instruction is pushed onto the stack (which make the stack pointer decrease) and then replace RIP with the call destination. So to bypass the call to a function all we have to do (when the breakpoint is hit) is to restore the saved RIP from the stack and increase the stack pointer ( RSP ) of the size of an address.
Code related to the last 3 subsections
Now we’re done! At this point, simple standalone binaries can be injected successfully into a VM, without having it into the VM filesystem.
It’s a good start but there are still limitations and room for improvements. Certain programs failed to find some DLLs or display an error message before to quit (especially when using the .Net framework). I think some of these errors are due to the empty environment variables for the newly created process.
Also, after a successful injection subsequent attempts targetting the same process will fail. I would need better knowledge in process internals to find out the root cause of this issue.
Personal experience
It was an amazing experience! I had very little knowledge on virtualization and I have know a better understanding of how things work.
The hardest problem I had to face during this project was to understand the execution flow of the tool and the interaction between its different components because it was my first experience on such a complexe program and because I had to understand an already existing source code written by others.
I learned a lot about operating system internals related to processes and especially what mechanisms we can use to know, from an hypervisor perspective, which process is currently executing in a virtual machine. I also had the opportunity to experiment with a real-world kernel debugging use case which was really cool.
Now my plan is to continue to learn even more about OS internals, kernel development and the ARM architecture. My goal is to continue to contribute to project related to hypervisor technology and to help bring VMI to ARM processor.
Thank you very much to my mentor @tklengyel who has been a great help during this project, as well as @vpbalint, the GSoC team behind the organization and of course The Honeynet Project for giving me the opportunity to participate to this event!